If your MoboPAGE site is for purposes other than for the real estate agents of any MLS Board, you can use this "Goods & Services" page (URL = "B91.ca/NameID/trade") to present and promote your goods or services, or to display information of your choice. All of the components related to this page is user-editable, which means that you can edit the contents of the entire page anytime you need, and by yourself (login required). The components that are user-editable include the following:
1) Item name on the navigation menu: The default name is "My Goods & Services", it is the item next to the item "Home" on the menu. You can use a name of up to 25 characters and spaces combined.
2) Page title.
3) Page body.
4) Up to ten links each comes with "Link caption" and "Link URL" in pair.
As a guide, you can put any contents (texts in English and/or other languages of your choice) in the page body, and enhance the contents with up to ten links pointing to other sources of information, which can be images, articles of reference and news, etc. Use your creative mind to explore the usage.
As a result, and in fact, MoboPAGE website can serve as a personal information and presentation site not limited to commercial use, too.
Table of reference:
• 1. Google's Street View Collections
• 2. Google Art Project
• 3. The Natural History Museum
• 4. Filming and Photography | South Bank
• 5. Mike F Shaw
• 6. World's tallest buildings
• 7. World's deepest holes
• 8. World's longest bridges
• 9. World's fastest trains
• 10. China scenary pictures